Sunday, 17 March 2013


Sometimes I feel like I’m living a dream
That things couldn’t truly be just as they seem
My purposes, actions and thoughts lean one way
But the outcomes they seem to go somewhat astray
I have plans for my family
And plans for my friends
So many plans
With such wonderful ends
I just need reminding that they'll all be ok
Even though outcomes go somewhat astray
Things are truly not just as they seem
They will turn out better than I could dream

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Part of the Story

This is the part of the story
Where all of the hope seems gone
The hero's been marred
There’s a sense of betrayal
The enemy's power has shone

This is the part of the story
We weep and we mourn what is lost
We look where we've been
We search deep within
And ask 'Was it all worth the cost?'

This is the part of the story
The part that is hardest to bare
The part where the questions
They outway the answers
The burdens too numerous to share

But we know the end of the story
We know that all hope’s never gone
The hero’s restored
He gets his reward
The battle’s eventually won

We know at the end of the story
Recovered is all that was lost
The tears are replaced
The pain is erased
We know it was all worth the cost

We know at the end of the story
We’re glad that we held on to see
The anticipation
The sense of elation
Far more than we thought it could be!

Monday, 4 March 2013


If I were you and you were me
Would we make choices differently?
If each saw what the other sees
And pleased the ones we want to please
If you were I and I were you
Would there be different things we’d do?
Would thoughts that fill our minds each day
Be handled in a different way?
Or would your joys make me smile too
And would my trials pierce you through?
Would I make choices you would choose
Would you lose battles I would lose?
I know we’re different, you and me
But not in our humanity
There’s only One who’d stay unchanged
When all perspectives rearrange
And His will always stay the same
That’s why in Him I must remain